What's your favourite colour ?
green and blue!
Who is the most important to you ?
family and friends
How often do you think if committing suicide ?
never.life is way too precious to waste.
Do you have enough confidence ?
i think i do
How many babies you want ?
haven't given much thought to it yet
Who is the one who cheers you up and supports you ?
friends.stand by me
Do you believe in eternal love ?
Do you think the person who tagged you, likes to play kidnapping ?
not that i know of
What are you really afraid of ?
cockroaches and centipedes.they scare the hell outta me
What is your bad habit ?
biting my nails
Do you have a secret crush ?
yea.who doesn't?
Do you cherish every single friendship of yours ?
every single one of them
What does flying means to you ?
flying is floating in air without boundaries
What do you currently crave ?
chocolates, french fries, and loads of lollipops!
Are you single or in a relationship ?
single * sobs *
Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words.
fun, fappy, goofy, crazy, hyper, loving and definitly cute
What have you done to make yourself happy ?
What is the worse case scenario that has happened to you in your life ?
can't really tell.got loads of them
Who's the worst person in your life ?
it is and will always be my secret.
*Notify the people you tag in their cbox that they've been tagged.
Gosh, my eyes are
Joey invited me to go to Sunway Lagoon Themepark with her next Monday.THANKS JOEY!!!Can't wait.It's been a long time since I've been there.Pray it doesn't rain.
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