Friday, December 12, 2008


Tagged by Adeline.Haven't done this before so give me a chance.

Time: 9.12 pm
Name: Debra
Age/Birthday: 13, 8th of February
School: WMS
Elder sisters: Nope
Younger sisters: One, Petrina
Elder brothers: Well..
Younger brothers: Nope
Favourite liquids[drinks]: Hard to tell
Favourite consumables[food]: Don't talk to me about food.. too full right now
Favourite place to sleep: My bed
Flying?: Never really thought of it
Swimming/Diving?: Have tried both
How much friends in MSN?: 104 people
Couple?: No one wants me.. yet =D
Loved ones?: Yeah.. LOADS!
Get kicked on the butt: Nobody dares to touch my tooshie
Allergic?: Certain types of prawns
Gastric?: Most of the time
Whole fortune: ?
Age of marriage?: Haven't given much thought to it yet
Children wanted?: No idea.. Too young to be thinking bout those things in life
Age of death?: Don't talk to me about death
Animals in house?: Yup.. 3 noisy dogs
Longest fingernail ever kept: ?
Wanted birthday present : Nahh.. Wait.. Maybe I do!
Q: In your dream, a god tells you that you are a billionaire in your dream world and gives you a wish. What would you wish for?
A: Health and loads of love
10 persons to tag :
Too lazy to think

Well, that wasn't bad.Don't even know if I'm doing the right thing or not.Gonna get a pair of CROCS tomorrow.Don't worry, I'm getting the ones that are less geeky.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Went out to Mid Valley yesterday to watch Twilight AGAIN.I've watched it with Su- Lise, Oliver and Miing Pin last Saturday.It was a real big disappointment.The movie was so long- winded and I had to hold my bladder for a really long time coz I didn't want to miss any of the interesting parts.It turns out that the only interesting part was the ending.Sheesh.I've been watching TV all day long for the past couple of weeks and I getting tired of it.We went to Chili's to eat.I was so groggy and tired by the time we got home.Oh yeah, I saw Matthew Khoo and his older sister at Borders.Sigh..Su-Ann's leaving on Saturday.Gonna miss her so much.Well, all the best to her.